Please join us for lunch on Wednesday, September 5 in the London Room, from 12:30-2:00.
Category Archives: Symposium
October 21 – “Women in the Linear B Tablets: Aristocrats, Priestesses, and Laborers”
Whiting Fellows Presentations and Reception
Research Project Presentations
Tuesday, October 18
4:30 in CARP 21; reception following in the Dorothy Vernon Room.
This year’s Whiting Fellows are Mey-Yen Moriuchi (History of Art), Jessica Sisk (Classics), and Laura Surtees (Archaeology)

September 23 – “The Birth of Illusionism”
September 16 – “Drunken Poets and Fallen Philosophers: Gout as a Metaphoric Disease in Antiquity”
August 31-Graduate Group Luncheon
Please join us for our opening event of the year: lunch on Wednesday, August 31 in the London Room, from 12:30-2:00.
There is no special agenda: this is simply to mark the start of the year, and to provide an opportunity to meet our eight new Graduate Group students.
April 15 – “The Gods of (Con)fusion: Athena Alea, Apollo Maleatas and Athena Aphaia”
lecture by
Jeremy McInerney
University of Pennsylvania
4:30 pm in Carpenter Library B21
Tea at 4:00 pm in the Quita Woodward Room
April 8 & 9 – LOCUS ISTE : Sacred Spaces, Divine Places in the Ancient World
An International Colloquium
For complete program click on:
presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Greek, Latin and Classical Studies
“The Cinematography of Virgil’s Aeneid”
lecture by
Kirk Freudenburg
Yale University
4:30 pm in Carpenter Library B21
Tea at 4:00 pm in the Quita Woodward Room
March 25 – “Aristotle on Theoria: A Philosophy of Musical Performance”
lecture by
José González
Duke University
4:30 pm in Carpenter Library B21
Tea at 4:00 pm in the Quita Woodward Room