Category Archives: Symposium

Graduate Group 10th Anniversary Celebration-April 4th and 5th

Friday April 4
5:30 Opening of A Curious Group in the Kaiser Reading Room, Rhys Carpenter Library
6:15 Drinks in the Cloisters, Thomas
7:00 Dinner in Thomas Great Hall
7:15 Welcome Catherine Conybeare

After-dinner speaker: Elizabeth Cropper, Ph.D. ’72
Dean of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery

Saturday April 5

9:00 AM -1:00 PM
Symposium Carpenter B-21

Featuring students from the Graduate Group’s first ten years:
Diane Amoroso O’Connor (Ursinus College)
Ben Anderson (Cornell University)
Nick Blackwell (American School of Classical Studies in Athens)
Andrea De Giorgi (Florida State University)
Rebecca Dubay (Kansas City Art Institute)
Matt Feliz (LaSalle University)
Eric Hutchinson (Hillsdale College)
Michael Jay McClure (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Evrydiki Tasopoulou (Villanova University)

1:00 PM Lunch in Rhoads Dining Hall.
Speaker: Dale Kinney, Professor and GSAS Dean Emerita.

3:00 – 5:00 PM Memorial event for Professor Gridley McKim-Smith
Goodhart Music Room
Reception in Taft Garden

“Plato and the Power of Images”


Friday, October 11
Carpenter Library B21

Elizabeth Belfiore, University of Minnesota
“The Image of Achilles in Plato’s Symposium”

Francisco Gonzalez, University of Ottawa
“The Power of a Beautiful Image in Plato and the
Poets: Infatuation or Transcendence?”

Saturday, October 12
Thomas Hall 224

Louis-André Dorion, Université de Montreal
“Image and Comparison: The explanatory power of
the eikôn in the Republic”

Catherine Collobert, University of Ottawa
“Two images of the Soul in the Republic: The
three-headed Beast (Book IX) and the Sea
Creature Glaucus (Book X)”

Gerd Van Riel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
“Perspectivism in Plato’s Views of the Gods”

Elsa Grasso, Université de Nice
“Platonic images: where the truth lies”

Pierre Destrée, Université Catholique de Louvain
“Plato on images that make one laugh”

Zacharoula Petraki, University of Crete
“Viewing the invisible: Plato’s use of pictorial arts”

Christopher Moore, Pennsylvania State University
“The Images of Knowing Oneself”

Richard Hunter, University of Cambridge
“The serpent within: the afterlife of a Platonic

Ninth Biennial Graduate Group Symposium

Keynote speaker:
Kostis Kourelis, Assistant Professor at Franklin and Marshall College
“The Membrology of Home: Tales from the Archaeological Underground.”

This week, and throughout the Symposium weekend, a complementary exhibit of domestic items from the Bryn Mawr Special Collections will be on view in the Kaiser Reading Room, Carpenter Library.

For more information, including times and locations, please visit our new site:

or contact the Symposium Committee at