Friday April 4
5:30 Opening of A Curious Group in the Kaiser Reading Room, Rhys Carpenter Library
6:15 Drinks in the Cloisters, Thomas
7:00 Dinner in Thomas Great Hall
7:15 Welcome Catherine Conybeare
After-dinner speaker: Elizabeth Cropper, Ph.D. ’72
Dean of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery
Saturday April 5
9:00 AM -1:00 PM
Symposium Carpenter B-21
Featuring students from the Graduate Group’s first ten years:
Diane Amoroso O’Connor (Ursinus College)
Ben Anderson (Cornell University)
Nick Blackwell (American School of Classical Studies in Athens)
Andrea De Giorgi (Florida State University)
Rebecca Dubay (Kansas City Art Institute)
Matt Feliz (LaSalle University)
Eric Hutchinson (Hillsdale College)
Michael Jay McClure (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Evrydiki Tasopoulou (Villanova University)
1:00 PM Lunch in Rhoads Dining Hall.
Speaker: Dale Kinney, Professor and GSAS Dean Emerita.
3:00 – 5:00 PM Memorial event for Professor Gridley McKim-Smith
Goodhart Music Room
Reception in Taft Garden